
CIMA-ASSO.it > English
Davide "Skittle" Valsecchi
Davide "Skittle" Valsecchi

A new adventure begins: here the first articles written or translated into English for Cima-Asso.it.

Yes, I know, I’m just a rookie with this language but I hope to improve post by post, story after story.

Why English if you can not handle it? To infinity, and beyond! It’s time to push us on the other side of Language barriers. This is my first step and I feel like my little nephew, I’m learning to walk again. I have already slammed my nose against the dictionary: I’m bleeding while smiling at this new adventure!!

Forgetting about grammar I’m quite good at writing in Italian: I hope you can belive me while laughing at my English. Welcome, these are stories about Larius craziest ones =)

26th February 2010, 05:51 pm

Karibu Zanzibar

Mountaineer in the tropics. First day at Zanzibar

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